Location Scouting Finding Manager
CPH Locations finder stedet


Location Finding at its best.

An old dancehall, a modern house or soft rolling hills. At CPH Locations by Simon Gleie we'll find the perfect surroundings to shoot your movie, commercial, film, musicvideo or stills. We're located in the centre of Copenhagen but cover all of Denmark and Southern Scandinavia.

Our library now includes more than 70.000 pictures of different houses, interior and exterior, as well as factories, scenery etc. In short: everything between heaven and earth. The archive expands and is updated constantly. Cooperating with you, we'll find your specific wishes swiftly, reliably and effectively.

Best regards,
simon gleie
Location Scout /
Location Manager /
Location Finder

Locations for Film, commercials and stills


Location Scouting for you.

We have found locations for more than 1000 commercials and still-photos for many of the country's best directors and photographers. We have an international client database, including:
Tuborg, McDonald's, LEGO, BG-Bank, Ribena, Orange, OTA, Toyota, NESA, Oddset, TDC, Cafè Noir, Matas, Nokia...

Location is Everything

Contact CPH Locations


CPH Locations
Simon Gleie
Vodroffslund 2, kld.
DK-1914 Frederiksberg C
Tel:  +45 3379 6040
Cell: +45 2671 1021

Denne side på dansk  PÅ DANSK

Meet a Location Scout

Er du interesseret i, at vi på et tidspunkt bruger netop din bolig, skal vi tage nogle billeder - både ude og inde! Det tager højst en halv time. Din bolig vil så indgå i vores billedkartotek til senere brug.

Du er også mere end velkommen til at maile egne billeder af din bolig til mail@cphlocations.dk

Bruges din bolig i en
filmoptagelse, vil det
normalt blive honoreret med 5-10.000 kroner.

Kontakt CPH Locations, hvis dette er noget for dig og din bolig.

Best regards,
simon gleie
Locationscout /
Locationmanager /

CPH Locations Info
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